DAY 2 #StayAtHome Journal

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24th of March 2020

DIY No-screen Coding Game for Kids

DIY Bottle caps coding game for kids

Today we got up late. We ate, then took our Beagle out for a walk in the woods near our house.

Before noon, we came up with an idea for a new game. Because both Daddy and I work in IT, we thought about making a no-screen coding game for kids. Inspired by Code-a-Pillar, we tried to create a simple, yet entertaining educational game. We built it using a lot of water bottle caps and stickers. 

Our DIY Bottle Caps Coding Game helps kids to:

  • develop problem-solving skills
  • anticipate and avoid problems
  • learn perseverance
  • use logic 
  • improve their structural thinking
  • learn how to create things that work
  • develop creativity.

See full instructions on how to make it and how to play it here: DYI Bottle Caps Game for Kids.

Our daughter had a lot of fun playing the coding game. It is a fun way to teach your kids the basics of programming, without using a screen. 

In the afternoon we played with flour and made some delicious muffins together. Later, we watched The Bremen Town Musicians, an online kids’ play.

It was a quiet and relaxing day. Stay safe!

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