DAY 3 #StayAtHome Journal

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25th of March 2020

1000 pieces Funny Dog Portraits Puzzle

Funny dog portraits puzzle

Today we got up early. After our morning routine, we printed, cut and played a new game we found online: Catch a bug!.

Later – because our daughter got bored of all her board games – we thought about inventing a new, fun board game to play. I’ll write a post about the game in the next few days.

Before noon, we made marshmallows together. We had some leftover egg whites from the day before. We put on our aprons and let the fun begin. Our girl mixed the egg whites and decorated the marshmallows with sprinkles. Usually, we don’t eat sweets or products that contain a lot of sugar, but we make an exception from time to time.

In the afternoon we finished a dog on our 1000 Pieces Funny Dog Portraits Puzzle and danced The Happiness Dance (a dance with moves we invented). We dance each time we finish a puzzle, find a missing toy or after we accomplish something big. It’s one of our family traditions.

Later, we played a fun game we found in one of our National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book. Smell and guess is the name of the game. Our daughter closed her eyes and guessed the objects I brought her to smell. We used various objects with intense smell like: oranges, lemons, toothpaste, dog food, pickles, cinnamon etc. It was really fun. She guessed most of them.

Afterwards, we drew on the computer using my graphic tablet. It has been a surprise to see that our girl’s hand-eye coordination was really great.

Before bath time, our daughter watched Snow White, an online kids play. Then, she played with her Lego boats and Minifigures in the tub. I barely managed to get her out. She loves water a lot.

In the end, the 3rd day of lockdown was not boring at all. We felt great together and this is what matters the most.

Stay safe!

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