We recently received a gift, from a family friend, for our 8 months old baby girl. It was a Baby Safe Feeder. It was a new concept to us, as we haven’t heard about it till then.

Our friend, who has children of her own, explained to us a few things about it. She told us that the Baby Safe Feeder is a great and helpful tool to use when you start to feed your baby solid food. So it works with apples or other fruit slices, large pieces of steamed vegetables and other soft foods. The Baby Safe Feeder was, actually, invented by a dad whose son choked really bad with a biscuit. It is an innovative way to help your baby make a smooth transition from drinking to chewing, being at the same time an object that aids teething. The baby safe feeder consists of a reusable mesh food bag with an attached easy-to-hold teether. The baby chews the food through the mesh while teething at the same time.
Our friend also told us that she successfully used it with her baby boy. She started when he was about 7 months old, right before his teeth began to appear. Usually, she cooled the mesh food bag before she gave it to her baby and this soothed him. She admitted she always was a bit of a alarmist, especially when it comes to her baby. So, using a Baby Safe Feeder made her more relaxed during feeding. We already knew that she and her husband love gadgets (they also bought a video baby monitor for their baby boy’s room and this quite funny Banana Training Toothbrush – Teether with Handles), so this kind of present was not a very big surprise for us.
We haven’t used the Baby Self Feeder. Our baby is showing no signs of teeth, yet (she usually eats mashed vegetables, fruits, yoghurt or cereals). We’ll probably give it a try sometime, out of curiosity.
On the other hand, we don’t really know what is RIE’s approach to this. We don’t always succeed in applying RIE all the way. However, we do our best in following the basic RIE principles and using RIE accepted language when interacting with our baby daughter. We couldn’t find any info related to this subject and we would really like to read some opinions. So, please leave us a comment if you have any information on this matter. We thank you in advance!